New Territories: Artist Astrid Preston Celebrates the Earth in a Landmark Nature Exhibition
Michael Charles Tobias (Former Contributor)
Los Angeles based Swedish born painter Astrid Preston has long explored and invented new frontiers of an aesthetic naturalism, elegantly remaking urban and rural wildness into provocative, soul satisfying tapestries of life and parkland utopias. Her work has consistently taken technical and philosophical risks, achieved unique depth, and established Ms. Preston as one of America's most important contemporary landscape painters.
She conveys a never-sated astonishment about the work of other painters as diverse as Albrecht Dürer, Rembrandt, Vermeer, Van Gogh, Anselm Kiefer and - in three recent trips to Japan - a profound Asian connection, particularly to Hiroshige, as well as Japan's remarkable 18th century painter, Itō Jakuchū. This latest exhibition, “New Territory” (Craig Krull Gallery, running through March 2nd), combines a philosophical array of brilliant sensuality in forty-three new works. It follows upon more than four decades of a highly public presence. Most of these paintings are on richly-veined hardwoods, some on stretched linen which resembles flawless silk. These works have transformed genial frames of both contemporary as well as historic reference into Zen-like masterpieces of restraint that at once challenge and comfort. Ms. Preston spent two years assembling this dazzling collection of her work, a quiet, habitable reminder of the critical haikus and the “awe and reverence for nature” that is core to her ethic and art-form.
Her Nordic origins are not obvious. There is little to suggest, for example, the influence of such Scandinavian giants as Edvard Bergh, the brothers Wilhelm and Magnus von Wright, Carl Larsson, Alfred Wahlberg or Johan Sevebom. Indeed, this most recent exhibition altogether heralds a unique approach to landscape, though one as luscious and inviting as any Édouard Vuillard interior across Paris.

But there are other Swedish influences that reign supreme in Ms. Preston's governing similes; all seeming to center upon humanity's clear and present need to be immersed in as much nature as possible. As we ourselves are Nature, and a most meddling part of it, to be sure, I asked her about her particular passion for trees, which insinuate a looming, iconic centrality in much of her work. “I photographed hundreds of trees across Japan. Everyone of them has a biography,” she ruminates aloud. “Certain trees are in the paintings, and if you were to come upon them in a park, or on a mountain top over Kyoto, for example, you would recognize an individual red or black pine; you can know them for who they are, I believe,” she says. "Do you think of yourself as an environmental activist, in some sense?" I ask.
To which she replies: “My friend, the cinematographer Haskell Wexler once said that every time one paints a leaf, he/she is making an anti-war statement,” Ms. Preston declares; and she goes on to express how human beings all want to feel their fingers in the dirt. “We miss that. No matter how benign my landscape paintings, I suppose in the end they might well be construed as political acts. We look for beauty every day. And when a tree dies, we mourn the loss.” Hence, societies around the world need a great nature painter of Ms. Preston's stature like never before.
In this same vein, Ms. Preston acknowledges the huge difference between, say, Baron Georges-Eugène Haussmann's ca. 1865 civil engineering of Paris - well laid out Reconstructionism, with enormous and orderly boulevards - versus the Paris she is particularly fond of, backstreets, with sinuous wandering lanes more in keeping with the animal trails we would all prefer, in our hearts, to follow: The difference between the Left Bank, and the Right Bank.
In Ms. Preston's latest exhibition she discloses a new-found desire to embrace still water - which has always posed theoretical problems for her, she confesses; but now, she has discovered how to make ponds and reflections work towards that aesthetic liberation she seeks; one that enables her to lavish in a single, brave line, painted with a five-zero (super-fine) brush, all the dreams of a songbird or a crane; to give mottled light upon the dabbling mallards;

a Monet-like ephemerality that anchors, in this instance, all of Japan to the fact it is an island, after all. Many islands.
And, while there are nearly 128 million human inhabitants in Japan, including Astrid and her physicist/inventer husband, Howard Preston's son, Max, who loves, and has worked in Japan for nearly five years, Ms. Preston quietly computes the evocative challenges of Japan's endless contradictions, emerging with an awesome clarity. Japan has never looked so good. And while the free extent of a bonsai tree's predilections may be held back, its intimations are not. The river through Kyoto is encased in concrete, but the thousands of garden monasteries across that great heart-throb of a city bring perpetual renewal to all sides of Japanese artistic, spiritual and emotional life. Ms. Preston captures that as never before.
She renders commentary and a painter's reckoning made all the more poignant in the sense that Japan is fully exposed to the forces of the wilderness - earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, typhoons. A cosmos as artistic and religious as it is hazardous.
Indeed, Japan is the 35th biological “hotspot” on the planet (Ms. Preston's home, Southern California, also a biological hotspot); stricken with a huge number of endemic plants and animals on the verge of extinction. In Ms. Preston's art form, these underlying truths are something of a sub-text; a potent divining rod that emerges - if one takes the time to contemplate humanity's unique plight - as something of an ecological dangling modifier: What is our true place in the world? Clearly, art as championed by this technically-flawless painter, has a huge capacity to heal wounds, mend morbidity, dispel bleakness, and signal at once a rejuvenation of the spirit that harkens back to the wilderness so consciously celebrated by luminaries like Thoreau, George Inness, or Guo Xi of the Northern Song Dynasty in China (ca. 1020 - 1090).
As a child growing up in suburban Stockholm for her first six years, Ms. Preston was enchanted by Nordic nature. Her family had a rural house atop a small hill above a lake, surrounded by forest. The three year old used to ski down that hill, skate on the frozen water, and wander off on animal trails. Immersed in forests, as Sweden happily remains, in the Summer and Fall the young Astrid loved roaming, lying upon the giving Earth and drawing apples upon large sheets of drafting paper (both her parents being architects). But to this day she ponders whether the apples were “upside down” or not, a conjecture that confronts viewers of her prolific work with similar issues: what is vicarious nature (visited upon our consciousness through the intercession of others) and what is true original nature, the “source,” as she describes it one morning in her Santa Monica home, surrounded by large vistas but mostly (with the exception of an arroyo of sycamores) populated by characteristically non-native species from all over the world: pines, a cypress, palms and an explicitly-glorious garden of herbs, mulberry, exotic succulents, home-grown vegetables and a who's who of flowering plants leading to one of the highest hills in the region along a moss-covered stone walkway.
Ms. Preston spent years hiking through the Sierras, or, closer to home, the Angeles Crest, as it is known. But this human inveigling within our backyards, and views crowded with insensate things presents a beguiling opportunity for a daring artist, which Ms. Preston most certainly though unassumingly is. Her work encompasses every familiar tone of our inhabited margins, borderlines, treetops, and birds - especially raptors, ducks, Blue birds, and those of the Corvus genus. She describes the day a red-tailed hawk hit one of her home's windows. The bird got over it soon enough, but sat near the painter, a foot or two away, “this simply enormous gorgeous hawk, right there, right here, in the heart of Los Angeles.” The awe in Ms. Preston is the awe of an unceasing child's imagination, schooled in the worlds of a Simon Schama (she brings out his great book, Landscape and Memory), but most charismatically, in nature herself. Ms. Preston's ecology of forms, color and uncanny evocation transcends the familiar. It does not adhere to the rules set forth by the most powerful Shoguns, Emperors, connoisseur collectors, or great gallery and art academy mavens of aristocratic taste. She is neither consumed by mulch or starry countenance.
But her seasons might well be identified in Shakespeare, marked in Edmund Spenser or catalogued in Chaucer, as Ms. Preston describes to me her last three trips to Japan during glorious Springtime.
One of her paintings in the exhibition is of a very tree at the reclusive 15th century Ashikaga Yoshimasa's famed residence, Ginkaku-ji, a hallmark of Japan's greatest period of homegrown artistic treasures, and resplendent gardens, encompassing 22 indigenous moss species, in Kyoto.
When you are next at Ginkaku-ji, look for this tree. It's there.
Over the years critics have applied unusual epithets, accolades and descriptive inventions to Ms. Preston's work: “self-effacing” (Richard Vine, 1996); “halfway hallucinatory” (Robert L. Pincus, 2008); or, most prescient, “a complex notion of the idealized physical world” (Michael Duncan, 2002).
When explorers of yore sought out some version of Paradise, they did so in the firm knowledge that it had to be good; that distant horizons were better; that the past was Golden and the future equally bright. Ms. Preston does not parade Bierstadt's glowing Yosemite or Moran's Yellowstone of pure gemstone for our vote. Quite to the contrary: Ms. Preston has the confidence of vision to know that nature is subtle, not grand; that most of us will recognize the modest borders of a backyard receding into memory or dream-time, more than we are likely to identify with the summit of K2. In this latest “New Territory,” the world is just fine, composed of a few dozen trees, ponds, clouds, songbirds, a wide-mouth Asian carp (bioinvasives in this country), ripples in water, bare branches, the odd flower, perspectives that come from astonishingly clear reflection: A combined sensate power that demonstrates conclusively the universal throb of recognition that is Japanese elegance, contrast, and livable worlds highlighted by human intelligence.

Moments of surreal bifurcation intrude upon this otherwise Apollonian confluence of aesthetic perfections. Proportions are subdued; light infiltrates with the diffident power displayed in Winter on frozen ponds, or as backlit premonition against the grain of wood that might as well be the veins of our humanity, such is the artist's cognizance of the way nature dreams during the daylight hours. We are held suspended in this trance of recognition, whereby the world is become a luscious tool of our deliverance. Love is plentiful; the all-seeing transmuted into the all-abiding urgings of conscience.
If there is an environmental message it is this: the world abides and we, in our best, spellbound throes of bounty, partake of the spirit of goodness. Astrid Preston's paintings dispel fear, embrace the heart, take on the life that we all aspire to. These refreshing coordinates of life strike at once of a new geography that combines Edo-School subtlety with precise patchworks of commentary on the state of the world through the eyes of a critically informed, astutely sensitive observer. Ms. Preston's ability to render drama without incident may be likened to the greatest of 17th century Chinese recluse paintings. Her palette - at times approaching raw impasto - as a rule does not divine disaster; she is no anatomical disseminator of particulate matter or abdominal muscle. Moreover, she does not demand that the eye follow every sinew from head to toe, like a Constable.

Rather, her purity is soft-spoken, its piano keys winnowed and beguiling as that of, say, 17th century Shitao (figured in the National Palace Museum, Republic of China - Taiwan) or other masters of a generic Shangri-la. Ms. Preston delivers on a promise that combines a sovereign secret garden that gains fervor the longer one stares at it. Such that, after a time, we have occupied the landscape just as it has indelibly and forever crept into our own imagination. But without true occupation. We linger, the susurrations of art arranging our biorhythms in their own mystical fashion.
The choices we make whilst meandering between Preston canvasses may be likened to a puzzle of 21st century environmental challenges. Like William Wordsworth who knew of the encroaching madding crowds; the angry railroad with its belching reminders on the very borders of the Lake District, such that after a day of quiet eloquence, he was busy denouncing the advent of those trains, as Plato had so long before agonized over very real deforestation throughout Greece; so too, Ms. Preston anticipates, throughout her work, some fashion of discord. But shadows are rarely literal.
Rather, a dynamic tension seems to echo off her paintings, or they do in my mind; just as they season with reality the whole history of the picturesque: ecological fears amid Romanticism and Transcendentalism - whether in a Phillippe de Loutherbourg or Francis Danby; the Hetch Hetchy syndrome some historians ascribe to John Muir's premature demise; and the blood-strewn avenues of Kyoto during the Ōnin War (1467-1477) - at the height of the loving sand and moss garden revolutions.
Today, knowing that Chisso-Minamata disease, war and unprecedented tragedy have afflicted a country as cradled yet exposed as Japan is to the seismic currents of world history, Astrid Preston's Japanese-based exhibition explores, in its perfect assurances, the very material substance of Humphry Repton's famed Observations on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening (London, 1803). These are the patent juxtapositions of those marvelous vistas that every visitor to the National Trust properties of England and Scotland knows only too well, including the homes of Wordsworth and Beatrix Potter. Equally, one feels that dialectic, the aesthetic tension, throughout Kyoto, where the quite mundane downtown, with its honking horns and concrete, encroaches upon a spiritual green belt, teeming with hundreds of spectacular monastery gardens. Ms. Preston is all about the gardens, fortunately. The stop signs and train tracks will come later. We know that.
For now, the artist gives us a deeply appreciated respite. Her optimism is magnanimous. Profoundly, in almost no instance do human beings ever appear in Ms. Preston's work, as she openly expresses a desire to enlist aesthetic elements beyond the human narrative, except to the extent that our transformative energies of any generic day can be deciphered: a path, a human-manipulated garden.
Reflecting upon the great Renaissance painting in the Gallerie dell'Accademia in Venice, "La Tempesta," by Giorgione, Ms. Preston describes a belief that wants human nature, in general, to reconnect with “the source," a point that the late Sir Kenneth Clark made much of in his groundbreaking study in 1949 on landscape and art. “To love and appreciate nature," says Ms. Preston, "is in so many ways key to our survival."
And, I would add, to the survival of most other species.
This conundrum - magnificent works of the landscape, shorn of a human presence - offers up a living testimony to our need to be re-connected to such places. It explains the hundreds-of-millions of visitations to national parks and wilderness areas throughout the world. It also makes sense of the fact that the opening night of this, Ms. Preston's latest exhibition drew a formidable attendance at the Craig Krull Gallery; hundreds of art aficionados ruminating aloud whilst crowding before these extraordinarily detailed marvels of quiescence, such is the paradox with which we all grapple. It is a generous and hopeful wish that Ms. Preston poses, namely: “How can we not revere the natural world?” she asks. “We are so affected…. No matter how much we might try to isolate ourselves.”
There is an interesting comparison worth noting, here. Frederick Law Olmsted and Calvert Vaux, in obtaining the commission for Central Park, New York in 1858, were given a go-ahead to create nature, planning every single tree and plant across the entire 3.4 square kilometer, 843 acre city garden which today sees over 30 million visitors annually.
Ms. Preston's landscapes - no less orchestrated, tree for tree, with endless paths to lose oneself upon- remain absent a single personage.

The cusp of language is there, yet not so much as a whisper; no handshake. Lacking a human presence, other than the viewer of the painting, the painter manages something quite extraordinary, an artistic trigonometry lacing both hedgerow and greensward with a habitation that is all of the mind. There are no discernible Vibram-soled boot prints in the mud. The context for all this fluent chicanery is the sheer contagion of an enigmatic biosphere that exists quite splendidly without us. Ms. Preston's many paths to paradise - and they comprise multihued oxygen bubbles, a plenum of bush, a glen of glistening broadleafs, schools of grass, and pine barrens populated by the odd movement of a bird or carp within the fog-bound arcadia's of the ephemeral hush - exist in an intoxicating exile.

Such living testaments pose not one precarious volt. Rather, the prestidigitator effects a magical realism in the palpable mists of anticipation, by the mere shock of biodiversity insinuated around a verisimilitude of natural splendor that makes its presence plausible, indeed, essential, to our viewing pleasure and very survival.

And what she has to say is original. Ms. Preston has a unique gift and her voice has never been so well tuned, so rich, so urgent.
Copyright 2013 by Michael Charles Tobias/Jane Gray Morrison/Dancing Star Foundation; All Images from the Exhibition Photographed by Brian Forrest; All Exhibition Paintings Courtesy of Craig Krull Gallery, Santa Monica. Special Thanks to Ms. Beth Parker.